reede, 15. august 2008

I scored LOW on power.

Nonii. Kuna mu verivärske Tartu tuttava postitus oma blogisse pakus mulle elavat huvi, otsustasin pooleldi naljaviluks ka ise teha ära testi ''Milline arvuti ma oleksin'' . Arvestades mu hälvet matemaatilistel ja kõrgtehnoloogilistel tasanditel ( nimelt humanitaarsemate alade suunas), ei eeldanudki ma paremat tulemust. Aga pole paha.

Your result for The What Computer Are You Test...

The Graphing Calculator

You scored LOW on Power and AVERAGE on Pretension!

Congratulations! You are the Graphing Calculator. A particular favorite of mine. These are not your dad's calculators, these are the industrial-strength college calculators that take 4 AAA batteries and can find derivatives and so on. Did you know there was a time when the basic 8-digit arithmetic calculator cost $500? My, how times change. Anyway, the TI series calculators have been a welcome replacement for the slide rule for a long time, and though they are aging they remain a crucial tool for science students everywhere. Be proud of your heritage.

You scored low on power. Calculators don't need a lot of power since computers by their very nature are already made for mathematics. But really, when you consider the kinds of amazing things these little things can do in only a matter of seconds, I must say it is quite impressive. Just goes to show you that looks can be deceiving.

You also scored average on pretension. You may not be fancy like mp3 players or cell phones, but you are still a definite status symbol. Whoever sees you knows your owner is enough of a math whiz to justify owning such a complicated device. You would think owning a calculator would reflect negatively on one's mathmatical abilities, but there are lots of things in this world that don't make sense.

Take The What Computer Are You Test at HelloQuizzy

2 kommentaari:

Tauri Punder ütles ...

Oh ma kulutasin sellele nüüd mitu minutit enda elust ja vastust ei saanudki. Ma tahan neid minuteid tagasi!

Dee ütles ...

Kuidas ei saanud? kas vastus ei olnud piisavalt selgesõnaline või ei vajutanud Sa ''finish''nupule?