neljapäev, 4. aprill 2013

Kui minult küsitakse

mida me narratiiviteoorias ka õpime, siis eile oli meil seminar sarimõrtsukatest. Ja massimõrvaritest. Ja kiremõrvadest.

Ja kui minult küsitakse, et kes minust saab, siis selgus järgmine tõsiasi.

What Kind of Serial Killer Would You Be?
Your Result: Organized and Mission-Oriented

You're a planner. You'd carefully plot each murder, and carry it out methodically. You'll kill them in one location and move them to another later, and you'll study up your forensic science. The good news is, you're much harder to catch. You'll have a specific reason to kill. You'll target a specific group, like prostitutes or members of a minority, and you'll believe their deaths are justified on the grounds that you're "cleansing" the earth of that particular kind of people. You'll think you're helping society.

Organized and Hedonistic
Organized and Goal-Oriented
Organized Visionary
Disorganized and Mission-Oriented
Disorganized and Hedonistic
Disorganized and Gain-Oriented
Disorganized Visionary
What Kind of Serial Killer Would You Be?
Quiz Created on GoToQuiz

Üldiselt läheb hästi.
Kuulame Sixx:A.M.'i ja käime teatris.

2 kommentaari:

Kristin ütles ...

Ma sain organized and goal-oriented. Ehk siis algusejutt on sama, et ei saada kätte, aga sina puhastad maailma ja ma tapan kõik, keda vaja, et oma eesmärke saavutada!:D

Dee ütles ...

Ohtlik kamp. Ma olen juba aru saanud, jah, et kui on tegemist ikak hälbeliste indiviididega, siis ega armu ei anna :D.

Kultuurieugeenika, I'd call it!
